Took a new job within Norandopolis at a military expo which mean her son and she had to move there.
The Bus Came Back: He disappears after the first chapter and doesn't show up till chapter 5. He even freely admits it when he has Supercrash pinned down. The Bully: When it comes down to it, the guy just like picking on the weak and not afraid to screw over others for his own benefit. Cue her grabbing a rocket launcher and firing it straight at him.
Laser-Guided Karma: During his Evil Gloating, he mentions that he loves to tell people to "Send Him The Bill" right in earshot of Hillary who remembers that he was the one who crashed into her house when she first moved to the city.Keep in mind, Jude and he are suppose to be best friends. Then he goes on and steals Jude's powersphere to get his powers back and almost kills him by kicking him off a cliff. Even Irene admits she doesn't like him, that he wasn't the best hero of the city and was actually glad he disappeared. He gives Oliver no end of grief with his pranks and comments.
Jerkass: Revealed to be one when we finally meet him later in the comic. He just wants his powers back by any means necessary. Face–Heel Turn: Freely admits he doesn't care about Superhumans Inc or that he'll be branded a criminal. He disappears through most of the story but comes back later in the 5th chapter. And it was his orb that Oliver finds that leads him to becoming Supercrash. Superblam (Simon)The superhero that crashed into Oliver's house when his mother and he had just moved in at the start of the comic. Wave-Motion Gun: His main power is that he can fire huge laser blasts from his hands. Power Incontinence: If he doesn't clinch his fingers when doing his laser blast, the effect will backfire on him. But he gets no end of grief from Superpouf and the police of the city certainly don't care for him either. No-Respect Guy: Somewhat, most of the heroes at Superhuman Inc think he pretty cool. Improbable Weapon User: His main gimmick is that he generally fights using a road sign. It's even lampshaded during his date with Jennifer. Idiot Hair: His hair has an odd way of sticking up on it's own. Not only does this increase his strength but allows him to fire laser beams from his eyes! Hulking Out: Somehow gained the power to turn into a huge muscled form being dubbed "Hypercrash" in chapter 6. He eventually got over it and even invented a technique called the "Reverse Frog" in which he he fires his laser powers into the ground to blast off into the air. Green Around the Gills: His first few times flying weren't the best. Freak Out: The first time when he discovered superpowers as well as being introduced to Superhumans Inc and later finding out most of the staff of that company were working at his school. Endearingly Dorky: Clumsy and not at all bright, but an alright guy all around. Oliver seems to have rolled with it regardless. The citizens of the city overheard Jude calling him this during his second fight with the blob monster and the name stuck. Embarrassing Nickname: He got the name Supercrash from Jude aka Superpouf after he pushed Oliver off a building again in their second day of training.
Chapter 6 has him end up in a ballerina getup thanks to Superblam's douchery.
Dragged into Drag: His dreams always seem to involve him getting turned into a girl or dressed up as one.Calling Your Attacks: If he wants to active his laser, he has to hold out his hands, clinch his fingers and shout "Super Duper Hyper Beam!".And Show It to You: Unintentionally pulled out Blobert's heart when fighting it.He joins Superhumans Inc after unintentionally making a name for himself by destroying a blob monster attacking the city. A 14 year who just recently arrived at the city of Norandopolis. Supercrash (Oliver DeCosta)The hero of the story.